Ich krieg einfach nicht genug solo

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Ich krieg' einfach nicht genug (25 Spieler)

Ich krieg' einfach nicht genug (10 Spieler)

Now, the trick with this achievement is that you can't leave the center circle, or else Kel'Thuzad will despawn. I 'm not entirely sure if this is possible for everyone, but at least it is for hunters.

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HOWEVER, I found that at the edge of the circle, someone can target the abominations in the back with a ranged ability, which will aggro all three of them.

Hallo, mein Name ist Robert. Alter: 22. Nur wer ihn in den Mund nimmt weiß wie er schmeckt
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Beschreibung: Killing all the abominations is not a problem but it seems that you need to be at least three people.

Aufrufe: 3293 Datum: 08.12.2019 Favorited: 81 favorites

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